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April 25 – 29, 2016: Weekly financial astrology predictions with a glance ahead at mid-May and early June


Global: Sep 2015 — Dec 2017: Focus on oil, water, drugs, lies, religion, higher education, immigration, foreign connections, and long distance travel with a new sober/realistic perspective — the mood may be that these areas got out of hand, went over board, and need discipline/restrictions/regulation. Immigration control, control of religious ceremonies, structured approach to higher education, limitation on foreign currencies/connections/long distance travel, etc. This new perspective will strengthen over upcoming months and will remain till about the end of 2017.

USA: Mar 2015 — Apr 2016 (esp. April 2015, mid-Aug 2015, and mid-Feb 2016) — Major changes in transportation and communication industries as well as retail sales (related mostly to web-based and electronic transactions, which require data transfers). This is a very slow gradual change with the ultimate effect of dissolving old ways of doing things (e.g., commuting, communicating, shipping, traveling, and buying/selling) and coming up with new ways. This is likely to involve dissolution and mergers of transportation and communication companies, incl. companies that process payments electronically (e.g., Western Union).

Other affected areas will be aerospace, telecoms, IT industry, electric engines, electronics, gadgets, and similar industries. The changes will likely have to do with oil (e.g., oil prices affect shipping and flights), healthcare (e.g., spread of some contagious disease affects travel), water (e.g., floods, rains, etc. affect transportation; travel by water becomes much more or less popular; new cable is laid under water; etc.), navy (e.g., there are some problems with or confusion about aerospace projects, island bases, submarines, ships that carry planes over water, etc.), chemicals/pollution (e.g., shipping accidents resulting in pollution or poisoning may increase), movies/music (e.g., developments in the entertainment industry will lead to reorganization of the media companies or push these companies to implement new hi-tech approaches for signal transmission), and spirituality/religion (e.g., some people’s beliefs will not agree with new technology like robots and autopilot). Ideological battles over new technology may manifest as increased arguments over what is healthy, spiritual, and how to prevent pollution. New controls to prevent infectious diseases from spreading through travel may be invented or implemented.

Astrologically, this influence relates to the transiting Neptune (religion) squaring US Uranus (high tech, sudden change) in the 7th house of partnerships, ruler of the 3rd house of transportation/communication. The last time this aspect was in effect was in 1851-52, which corresponded with outbreaks of cholera and flu.

USA: Jan 1 – Feb 28, 2016 and mid-July through mid-Aug, 2016: Increased likelihood of floods, major snowfalls, storms, rains, etc, including floods from dams giving up. The key dates (+- several days to two weeks) are Jan 31 and Aug 2. This prediction is based on the transit of Jupiter to US Neptune. Hence, possible manifestations include expansion (Jupiter) of anything related to Neptune (water, chemicals, oil, pharmaceuticals, contagious diseases, religion, etc.) and the areas Neptune rules in the US chart (it’s in the 9th house of laws, foreign matters, and higher education and rules over the 4th house of land, security, food, and banks’ savings). Some possible examples include expansion of the oil industry and increased profits from oil, and expansion of or increased news about the following industries/areas: navy, beverages (esp. alcoholic), healthcare, drugs, chemicals, movies, music, and religion. For ex., an oil (or some chemical) spill spreads poisons in the water, oil pipe leaks, the number of navy bases increases, more navy ships are commissioned, pharmaceutical companies hit a jackpot with some drug, chemical companies expand their influence/inventory/product selection/etc., one or more contagious diseases spread unusually easily, and so on.

USA: January – November 2016 (esp. Jan 21 – Feb 19, Apr 11 – May 31, and Oct 19 – Nov 17) — improved stability of banks and financial institutions and opportunities to stabilize and make long-term plans. Slow but steady growth and improved confidence in long-term success. Entities that adopt a conservative cautious approach, reduce expenses, and reduce risky investments (especially overseas or in anything foreign) at this time will see improved stability and growth long-term. This period favors older established institutions.

USA: Apr 1 – May 1 (esp. Apr 6-7, 11-18) and then Aug 19-24 — electric cars, engines, aerospace, IT, telecoms, data processing, electricity, high tech gadgets, etc. will receive more attention that usual. There may be new initiatives or a new level of excitement about some new program, product, or solution. New initiatives will probably be related to a search for a new direction, military initiatives, and/or collaboration with partners. After Apr 18, the intensity of the push for increased activity in the related areas may subside for a few months; to be revived in August 2016. Around Aug 19-24, there may be another peak of activity; however, the project/initiative may face serious obstacles due to delays, breakdowns, something wearing out (e.g., old engine), or opposition (esp. from cautious/conservative forces that may resist innovation or the change in the status quo).

China: December, 2015 – August, 2016 (esp. around Dec 18, 2015; Jan 28, 2016; and Aug 03, 2016) — Positive developments, lucky breaks, expansion, and increased growth opportunities related to healthcare, pharmaceuticals, oil, minerals/chemicals, navy, and participation in multinational organizations. There may be increased profits, expansion of influence (e.g., acquiring or expanding businesses related to mining, drugs, chemicals, or minerals), beneficial international laws [that is, laws that help the country to expand business], increased number of “friends” who support the country’s positions, increased number of organizations that the country is a member of, and/or improved shipping conditions (particularly internationally, via rail-way, and transportation of goods related to the areas above, such as oil or chemicals).

China: Jan 11 – Oct 28, 2016 (peak influence around Jan 20, Jun 2, and Oct 19, 2016) — decreased stock market volatility and/or increased attention to implementing long-term controls to prevent market volatility, making long-term plans to enhance the stability of investments, developing long-term plans for “controlled”/“structured”/reliable/solid investments in stock market, entertainment, movies, casinos, racing, etc.

China: Jan 27 – Nov 24, 2016 (peak influence around Feb 8, May 12, and Nov 3, 2016) — increased attention to implementing long-term controls over banks and financial institutions to ensure stability of investments, reliable steady income flow, prevent losing the accumulated wealth, secure cash, etc. Specific actions may involve increasing various limits, introducing additional controls or structure, entering into organizations (or adding new members to existing ones) to secure additional support, adding more governmental oversight, etc.

China: January – November 2016 (esp. Jan 8 – Feb 5, May 13 – Jun 24, and Oct 1 – Nov 2) — troubles and slow-downs related to old unresolved issues, hidden problems, diseases, healthcare, water/navy, oil, and/or problems with partners. Some structures or entities are old, inflexible, and outlived their usefulness. The old approach is holding back the new growth and is being discarded through a series of disruptive/difficult periods. At the end of the third period (Oct 2016), some new improved structure should emerge that will help the country to grow in more healthy ways. In the process, old ways may be changed and old partnerships discarded. Steel industry, industries that manufacture some large machinery, mining industry, and large-scale construction businesses will experience a period of difficulties and will need to purge and become “lean”/discard anything that’s extra or old to keep growing.

China: 2018 will be a very important year — likely, the country will achieve significant success/profits and enhance its status on the world arena. Also likely are changes in participation in various organizations and one-on-one agreements/partnerships, as well as major developments in healthcare/medicine, secret programs, programs related to religion/spirituality/beliefs, chemicals, movies, music, travel/transportation, and education.

China: 2018-2020 (esp. 2019) — major reform(s) in the following areas: pharmaceuticals, healthcare, treatment of elderly (end-of-life care), prisons, religion, chemicals, beverage industry, movie industry, oil industry (or businesses related to power generation in general, such as nuclear power plants), recycling industry, and any industries that rely on hidden activities (e.g., hacking) or on dissolving borders between larger groups/categories (e.g., creating hybrids, removing separation between bodies of water, developing new powerful chemical mixtures [possibly for nuclear power generation], developing new drugs that expand consciousness, blending modern and traditional medicine, etc.).

OIL: Given the relatively big drop in oil prices following the OPEC’s meeting on Dec 4, 2015, it looks like the exact Neptune/Saturn square (1st of the 3 exact transits) in the early Dec produced an intermediate MAX/TOP reversal point. I was expecting oil prices to hit a LOW in Nov/Dec (Oil prices fluctuations and Neptune-Saturn cycle: Financial astrology insights), but was also expecting a significant up move shortly after the exact transit. It now looks like there may be a slow gradual rise instead or possibly even a slight drop till the final 3rd exact square in Sep 2016. I would wait until after the final exact square next Sep to see a major upward jump.

With the Neptune/Saturn aspect slowly separating from the exact square through March 25, 2016, the down influence on oil will gradually lessen. Starting from the end of March, the two planets will slowly move toward another precise square due in June. So, Jan-Apr 2016 may see the prices rebound somewhat. Then, starting as early as May 2016 (or even late April) and especially in the summer through Sep of 2016 (with Aug 22 to Sep 23 being quite significant), we may see a major turmoil related to oil [production/sales/distribution/etc.] and a serious price depression. The 2nd of the 3 “exact” Saturn/Neptune squares will occur around Jun 17, 2016. A few weeks before/after that date should see significant events and market moves related to oil (esp., June 3-6, 8, 16-17, 19-21, 29-30). While an OPEC meeting is set for June 4, June 17 looks like a likely date for some important OPEC announcement.

Once Neptune/Saturn square begins to separate for good in the fall of 2016, there should be a major price reversal in Sep or Oct 2016 (I believe from a BOTTOM/LOW to up) followed by a multi-year recovery (or at least a steady multi-year trend in the same direction; I believe it will be up). Two/three weeks before/after September 9, 2016, the time of the last exact Saturn/Neptune square, will likely be especially significant (esp. Aug 21-26; Sep 1, 9-10, 12-13, 18, 30; Oct 3-5, 10-12, 15-18). After that, I would look at the conjunction of Saturn and Neptune (2025-26; esp. late Jan-Feb 2026) for the next big top/bottom of the oil prices with related geopolitical turmoil. At that time, Neptune will also be leaving its own sign, Pisces, which will make that time period even more significant wrt oil prices and anything related to Neptune, including chemicals (esp. chemical weapons or weapons that work through affecting mind/mood/etc.), drugs/pharmaceuticals (esp. drugs used as weapons), water, spirituality, etc.

Given that Neptune also rules chemicals, alcohol, beverages, pharmaceuticals, navy, water, drugs, poisons, pollution (of water or with chemicals), music, movies, photography, spirituality, healing (with drugs or through alternative approaches), etc., and that Saturn rules big corporations and governments, businesses related to the areas above (esp. large corporations or governmental entities) will experience major changes in their structure, profit schemes, popularity of their products, and/or manufacturing technologies around the same times. For ex., the Dow Chemical and DuPont merger is a good representation of the Neptune/Saturn square —> Neptune=chemicals, Saturn=large corporations, square=forcibly breaking an old pattern. I expect we may hear more about other Neptunian businesses or products undergoing major changes as well around the times of hard Neptune/Saturn aspects (e.g., summer-Sep 2016, and then in 2025-26).


APR 25, 2016 (MON): Medium influence; market may possibly go up (60%). The mood in the morning may be slightly more reserved, but things should pick up as the day progresses.

USA: The entire week — increased focus on defining the vision for the country’s military partnerships, military forces, and weapons (sales, production, use, etc.), as well as setting related goals and policies.

Also the entire week (esp. Apr 25) — Increased focus on [electric] cars, telecoms, communication companies, social media, IT, aerospace-related ventures, etc. (see USA Arp1 – May 1 & Aug 19-24 long-term prediction above).

Yet another topic in focus the entire week will be relationships with partners and various agreements/contracts — there may be some ongoing negotiations that will keep on for an extended period of time. The focus of the negotiations could be taxes, insurance, debt/loans, healthcare, and governmental assistance. The negotiations may proceed forward slowly all week and then pause on the 29th as some issue may require additional review.

China: The entire week — increased focus on healthcare, religion, music, photography, beverages, water (e.g., flooding), oil, and navy. We may hear about increased expenses on related areas, increased profits, increased volume of sales, or some other type of expansion.The trigger for the expansion may be existing or new partnerships or “enemies”/competitors — for ex., new partners invest in some healthcare-related project, or, competition pushes the country to expand its naval forces, etc.

Also the entire week — Increased news about banks’ capital and/or real estate (esp. about farms or land used for farming and/or land belonging to banks). The news may be related to the sales volume, an important sales transaction (e.g., of land or a bank), news about construction, or the news may relate to a data report covering the topics above.

APR 26, 2016 (TUE): Medium influence; market may possibly go up (55-60%).

APR 27, 2016 (WED): Medium-strong influence; market may possibly go down (60%).

USA: In the early morning or pre-open, there may be increased news about the value of gold and silver, news related to monetary policy, and news about businesses in IT, retail sales, and communication/transportation. The news will likely positive, such as about a compromise being reached or an increase in profit/value.

Also, increased focus on banks, financial organizations, healthcare, religion, music, photography, beverages, water (e.g., flooding), oil, and navy. We may hear about changes in profits, financing terms, concerns about debt/loans of related businesses, and possibly about some risky deals or gamble. For ex., some risky investment may not have paid off and brought down the value of a business in one of the areas above; or a business announces a decision to gamble on something and its value come up on the expectation of a success.

APR 28, 2016 (TH): Medium influence; market may possibly go up (55%).

APR 29, 2016 (FR): Strong influence; market may possibly go up (55-60%). Increased attention to banks and financial institutions — their profits may receive more scrutiny then usual, but the reports will more likely be good.

Glance ahead:

May 16 – June 3 (esp. May 24-26) — increased tensions or concerns related to immigration, healthcare, and difficulties in sustaining/expanding international connections. Concerns about international borders and border controls are likely. Also likely, concerns about the reduction in international trade and/or slowing of long-distance travel and shipments. Form the end of May, these concerns will gradually involve or relate to oil and will get intertwined with re-emerging worries about oil prices/production/sales/shipment.

A few problematic days (with market forming a bottom/MIN), at a glance: May 24-25, possibly May 26, and June 1-3.

On June 2-4, we may hear about some big decision or a big issue being discussed that will be perceived as quite stressful and needing to be resolved to alleviate multiple related issues. The issues will include: concerns about oil, immigration, long-distance shipments, international sales/trade, international travel, healthcare, and/or government support to the struggling people or ailing businesses. Given that an OPEC meeting is set for June 4, tensions/news could possibly be related to that. As for the meeting itself, there may be some increased optimism following the meeting — short term, the mood on Mon June 6 looks better (more optimistic) than on Fr June 3. However, on a larger scale, tense aspects indicating continuing down pressure on oil prices will persist through about Sep-Oct.

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